Fraud & Corruption Investigations – Nihal Sri Ameresekere

The incisive analysis of the facts revealed in these Books ought be examined and reviewed in the context of the mandatory duties and obligations to be observed and performed on the part of State Parties to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, to which Convention, Sri Lanka became one of the first State Parties by ratifying the Convention on 31st March 2004.

Nihal Sri Ameresekere, a multi-disciplinary professional, well exposed to private and public sectors, is a public interest activist in Sri Lanka, with wide international exposure. Not a legal professional, yet has appeared in person before the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka, the highest judiciary, successfully advocating public interest litigations, with the expansion into human rights and civil society responsibility. He is a forensic accounting investigative specialist. Has widely published incisive exposés, and dispassionately spoken out on matters of national and public interest. Ardently upholds the sacred precept, that public property and finance is solely of the people, and is to be managed in fiduciary trust by governments; transgression of which he has committedly combated, fearlessly standing up against powerful politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen; whilst castigating compromising and conniving professionals, who act in breach of the contractual responsibility to society, whilst pontificating otherwise

Nihal Sri Ameresekere

F.C.A. F.C.M.A., Fellow C.M.A., C.G.M.A., C.F.E.
Associate, American Bar Association
Co-ordinator, International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities
Ex-Board Member, International Consortium on Governmental Financial Management

Size – 8.25” X 11” – 500 Pages

This Book discloses the encouragement and assistance extended by the Government of President J.R. Jayawardene of Sri Lanka, to develop and implement the Hilton Hotel Project in Colombo, Sri Lanka, consequent to the barbaric communal riots of July 1983, which adversely damaged the international image of Sri Lanka, as a barbaric country, and by such Project to repair and re-build the good name and repute of the country, and also reveals the consequent colossal fraud perpetrated on the Government of Sri Lanka.

Accordingly, to support the Hilton Hotel Project implementation, the Government of Sri Lanka provided State Guarantees to obtain Foreign Loans for the first time by a private sector Company. Then Prime Minister R. Premadasa endorsing his support, provided Land on a 99 years Lease in the City of Colombo from the Urban Development Authority (UDA) on very concessionary terms, with a 30-year interest free re-payment, to build the Colombo Hilton Hotel. – Read More

Size – 8.25” X 11” – 500 Pages

This Book discloses the encouragement and assistance extended by the Government of President J.R. Jayawardene of Sri Lanka, to develop and implement the Hilton Hotel Project in Colombo, Sri Lanka, consequent to the barbaric communal riots of July 1983, which adversely damaged the international image of Sri Lanka, as a barbaric country, and by such Project to repair and re-build the good name and repute of the country, and also reveals the consequent colossal fraud perpetrated on the Government of Sri Lanka.

Accordingly, to support the Hilton Hotel Project implementation, the Government of Sri Lanka provided State Guarantees to obtain Foreign Loans for the first time by a private sector Company. Then Prime Minister R. Premadasa endorsing his support, provided Land on a 99 years Lease in the City of Colombo from the Urban Development Authority (UDA) on very concessionary terms, with a 30-year interest free re-payment, to build the Colombo Hilton Hotel. – Read More

Size – 8.25” X 11” – 776 Pages

To clearly understand and study the facts contained in this Book, which is Volume III, it would be essential to read and understand the contents in the first two Volumes on this subject, namely – ‘Colombo Hilton Hotel Construction – Fraud on Sri Lanka Government – Vol. 1 – Sri Lanka’s First Derivative Action in Law’ and ‘Colombo Hilton Hotel Construction – Fraud on Sri Lanka Government – Vol. 2 – Criminality Exposed, but Perversely Covered-up’.

Shocking reality in the contemporary world is appallingly revealed in this Book, with the disclosure of a colossal fraud perpetrated, with immense corruption, on the people of a 3rd world developing independent sovereign country, which is already impoverished, with such fraud being unashamedly covered-up, by pressurizing such poor country, shockingly by an economically powerful country, acting in a shameless manner by subjugating and making servile the Government of a poor country. – Read More


Size – 8.25” X 11” – 818 Pages

This Book under the same main topic ‘Socio-Political Realities’ consists of two Sections. The first of which is the ‘Hilton Hotel Fiasco’, a Synopsis of which is given below based on the facts and actions, disclosing the socio-political realities.

As a consequence of the barbaric ethnic riots in July 1983, named ‘Black July’, to rectify the resultant tarnished international image of Sri Lanka and to develop a good name and standing of Sri Lanka, the Government of President J.R. Jayawardene took immediate steps to have the Colombo Hilton Hotel Project implemented which was then in a planning stage. This Hilton Hotel Project had been implemented by the owning Company, Hotel Developers (Lanka) Ltd. (HDL). – Read More


Size – 8.25” X 11” – 248 Pages

What is well brought out in this Book is the appalling manner, in which the historic cornerstone of the economy, the invaluable Plantations, particularly Tea and Rubber Plantations, a national asset, had been privatized under the Agenda of the IMF, World Bank & ADB.

These Plantations had been nationalized consequent to a Report in December 1974 of the Commission of Inquiry on Agency Houses and Brokering Firms, referred to as the ‘Bernard Soysa Report’, which disclosed malpractices detrimental to the Plantations. That considerable funds of these Plantations had been syphoned to the Colombo City based Agency Houses, who managed such Plantations, inter-alia, with the main stakeholder of the Plantations, the employees thereof being denied of their rightful dues – viz: – Read More


Size – 8.25” X 11” – 596 Pages

The Author has very appropriately titled this Book as ‘Dubious Deals’, shockingly disclosing after deep investigations thereinto, certain transactions and actions of the Government of Sri Lanka, demonstrating these suspicious transactions to be riddled with mega corruption, also well demonstrating the socio-political realities.

Though politicians, to get elected into power vociferously condemn fraud and corruption on election platforms, the moment they come into power they act completely different thereto, demonstrating that the above rhetoric to combat fraud and corruption was only to coming to power, thereby exploiting the impoverished poverty of the poor, who are suffering in utter economic pathetic plight. – Read More

Size – 8.25” X 11” – 570 Pages

As to how Overseas Corporate Structures hide real owners have been excellently disclosed based on informations, documents and evidence collected by the Author, with analytical deep incisive investigations; and as to how monies of persons in certain countries are hidden in certain other foreign countries hiding the name of the ‘real owners’ of such monies, has been well brought out in this Book.

This Book has been compiled by the Author concerning a well reputed business entrepreneur, namely, Upali Wijewardene of Sri Lanka, who is believed to have died as set out in the Book, and concerns his business assets in Sri Lanka and particularly the business assets that had spread over several foreign countries; with the Author having carried out extensive investigations thereinto, with facts and data obtained through such investigations, including getting confirmation of such facts and data from the trusted Lawyer in Singapore of Upali Wijewardene, namely, Ishwar Nahappen, a Barrister of UK. – Read More

Size – 8.25” X 11” – 735 Pages

What is appallingly exposed in this Book, is that even though the fiscal management of Sri Lanka had been regularly reviewed by the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and ADB, nevertheless in actual fact, there had been fiscal mismanagement and lack of public accountability, and unashamedly the trusteeship of public resources and good governance had been blatantly breached.

In breach of the principles of the trusteeship of the resources of the people and the social contract, the Sri Lanka Parliament appallingly had enacted an ‘all-encompassing’ Amnesty, in the guise of an Tax Amnesty, namely, Inland Revenue (Special Provisions) Act No. 10 of 2003, in a hasty secretive manner, practically effectively denying the right of a citizen to exercise judicial power to challenge such legislation, and to have obtained a Special Determination thereon from the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka, in conformity with the Constitution of Sri Lanka. – Read More

Size – 8.25” X 11” – 456 Pages

The agenda of the IMF, World Bank and Asian Development Bank, mooted privatization. This startling Book well and truly exposes the fraudulent privatization of the oil bunkering monopoly and storage facilities of the Port of Colombo in Sri Lanka, owned and operated by the Sri Lanka Government owned Company, Lanka Marine Services Ltd.

The Supreme Court of Sri Lanka, the highest judiciary of the country, annulled this privatization as wrongful, unlawful, illegal and fraudulent.

The Author had prepared all documentations for this litigation and had dealt with the matter personally, appearing by himself, but due to a technical necessity, had got the Supreme Court Petition filed by his personal friend, Vasudeva Nanayakkara, Attorney-at-Law, who was then an Advisor to President Mahinda Rajapakshe; whilst the Author had named himself, as one of the Respondents, as a former Chairman of the Public Enterprises Reform Commission. – Read More

Size – 8.25” X 11” – 536 Pages

Size – 8.25” X 11” – 692 Pages

Mooted by the Governor, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Ajith Nivard Cabraal, and by the Sri Lanka Branch of the German Bank, Deutsche Bank, and after the consequent appointment by the Secretary, Ministry of Finance, P.B. Jayasundera of 7 persons, as a ‘Study Group’, who within one Month having had only 3 Meetings, had submitted a hasty Report, and based upon such questionable Report, permission had been given in principle for the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation to ‘dabble’ in these purported Hedging Deals, actually ‘derivative deals’, by President and Finance Minister, Mahinda Rajapakse, with the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers of Sri Lanka.

The Author had incisively investigated these purported Hedging Deals, actually ‘derivative deals’, and had exposed them in great educative detail in this Book, as financial frauds perpetrated on the Sri Lanka public, resulting in colossal losses having been caused to the Government of Sri Lanka and the people. – Read More

Size – 8.25” X 11” – 818 Pages

The Author has compiled this Book in two Sections. The First Section has been in relation to how a strong country, such as Japan, had exercised undue governmental pressures to cover-up a fraud perpetrated on the Government of Sri Lanka, a small country, in the construction of the Colombo Hilton Hotel, by reputed Japanese Companies.

In this Second Section of the Book, the Author deals with an ad hominem legislation, named as ‘Revival of Underperforming Enterprises and Underutilized Assets Act No. 43 of 2011’, commonly known as the ‘Expropriation Law’, which had been hastily enacted by the Parliament of Sri Lanka, based on a perverse Special Determination made by the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka on the constitutionality of this Bill; whereas the Constitution of Sri Lanka, itself, had mandated such a Bill, in the given facts and circumstances, to have been deemed to be determined to be inconsistent with the Constitution, thereby having rendered the Supreme Court to be functus thereon. – Read More

Size – 8.25” X 11” – 822 Pages

In this voluminous Book, the Author has explicitly dealt with a variety of subjects and litigations, to afford in the public interest, revelations of factual realities, prevalent both in public and private sectors, including among professionals, and in the political arena, law enforcement authorities and the judiciary; with the lack of protection for foreign investors, who are invited to invest.

The Author reveals incisively much of his true to life   experiences during his associations with politicians, over several decades, in dabbling in political activities, and whilst discharging duties and functions, as a professional whilst holding political appointments in the public sector; also at the same time revealing  experiences in the private sector, as a professional, and in public interest litigations.

The foregoing variety of interesting revelations discloses very many instances of valuable true to life experiences of the Author, revealing the realities of socio-political duplicity and hypocrisy, with violations of the Constitution of Sri Lanka, and the denial of natural justice and the making a mockery of the rule of law; with sheer disregard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the UN Convention Against Corruption. – Read More

Size – 8.25” X 11” – 532 Pages

By this Book, the Author excellently exposes, as to how the valuable resources of the poor people are unashamedly, exploited, pillaged and plundered by their rulers and the powerful, with sheer  disregard to the rubric, that they are only trustees of these resources, which really   belong to the people; and that such is the reality across the contemporary world, and which has become a deep rooted cancerous menace.

This Book deals with and is written around the  United Nations Convention Against Corruption, which came into force in December 2005. The Author advocates strongly that the mere rhetoric of critical pontificated castigation against this global deep rooted cancerous menace of fraud and corruption, would only be inimical to the the UN Convention Against Corruption.

This Book reveals that to really enforce the UN Convention Against Corruption, the leaders of countries must really act with true dedication and commitment; and in addition, the Author has extensively dealt with this subject of the cancerous menace of fraud and corruption, which has widely spread globally. – Read More


What is emphasized is that ‘economic terrorism’ germinates ‘armed terrorism’, resulting in the violation of human rights. ‘Concerns of humanity, transcends interests of nationality’, propounds the Author. Poverty alleviation schemes merely replace, at the cost of the poor, their own resources pillaged and plundered by socio-politically influential. Politicians vigorously campaign on election platforms, vociferously decrying fraud and corruption, vowing stringent action thereon. However, upon assuming office of government, get bogged down in the very quagmire of fraud and corruption, invariably peddled by powerful multinationals, acting in cahoots and collusion, with political financiers and lackeys, alarmingly including professionals – as lucidly demonstrated through a series of other publications on the Author’s real life experiences thereon, which has material relevance to people in other countries, who are confronted with similar issues and problems.

Quotes on Fraud & Corruption


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